Medication Updates
Please be advised of the updated rules regarding specific equine medications now in effect by the Maryland Racing Commission. Please make sure you are familiar with these rules!
Also, Lasix must now be given a minimum of four (4) hours prior to the race at the track by the appointed third-party track veterinarian (at Barn 21.) No adjunct bleeder medications are permitted!
Lasix for qualifiers can be administered off-site as per previous policy.
Click here for the 2022 Updated Lasix Schedule.
Entries Results
For up to date entries and results for live races and qualifiers click the images
Condition Sheet
Condition sheets for Rosecroft and all other U.S. Harness Tracks available at
Rosecroft Raceway Racing Guide
The Racing Guide outlines code of conduct as well as local rules and regulations in effect for Rosecroft Raceway. Horsemen competing at Rosecroft should be familiar with the contents of the Racing Guide and with all updates from prior editions.
Racing Applicaton
2025 Racing Application
Form must be completed and approved by Racing Office prior to entering any race or qualifier at Rosecroft. Contact Racing Office for status of application prior to entering or shipping horses.
Horsemen's Bookeeper
Horsemen's Bookkeeper is located in the Administrative Offices located off clubhouse entrance lobby.
**Please note** Payments from the Horsemen's Bookkeeper will only be made through Direct Deposit! Please make sure to fill out a Direct Deposit form and return to the Horsemen's Bookkeeper as soon as possible!
Unless otherwise indicated purse distribution for all races will be as follows:
50% 1st place
25% 2nd place
12% 3rd place
8% 4th place
5% 5th place
Horses Finishing 6th or worse will receive $150. Horses meeting "Maryland Preferred" criteria are eligible for a bonus on any purse earnings, excluding Maryland Sire Stake or Maryland Standardbred Race Fund events or other events as designated by Rosecroft.
All licensees must have their licenses in their possession at all times while on Rosecroft Raceway grounds. Purse checks will only be distributed to individuals who have proper documentation on file.
Horsemen’s Bookkeeper
Mary McDermott mary.mcdermott@marylandracing.com
Phone: 301-567-4500
Direct: 301-567-4506
Fax: 301-567-1053
Office Hours:
Monday: 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. or until last race
Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. or until last race
Saturday: 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. or until last race
Horsemen's Bookkeeper Links (all updated as of March 2015)
Paddock Schedule
Lasix may not be given any closer than four (4) hours prior to post time
Lasix will be administered by Equine Horse Health Services, LLC in Barn 21
Racing Commission License
License applications will be accepted and processed in the Racing Commission trailer located beyond the Grandstand building.
3 p.m. till 9 p.m. on night racing cards
Maryland Racing Commission Office Number @ Rosecroft - 301-567-4460
Maryland Racing Commission Main Office Number - 410-296-9682
Release Waiver
This document must be signed by all participants at Rosecroft Raceway
Track Photographer
Winner's Circle Photos for Rosecroft Raceway provided by Room 9 Photo
Contact Information
Erik Jones
Cell # 240-277-975